Client story: 13 requests and 48 leads for Czech e-shop
We helped a company focused on selling tools and construction chemicals reach new customers on the Czech market.
Our client: A proven supplier of equipment for craftsmen, industrial companies and DIY enthusiasts
Client’s goal: Expand customer base and increase sales in the Czech Republic
Solution and implementation date : Intedat Business , autumn 2024
Who we approached: 100 manufacturing companies from the Czech Republic
- 13 of the companies contacted immediately expressed interest in cooperation
- 48 other companies have potential for future cooperation
Demand samples
We present two of the requests that the client received thanks to our solution. (In order to preserve the anonymity of the client and the relevant companies, some parts are omitted, otherwise the text is authentic.)
Inquiry no.. 1 – from a specialist in the development and production of cold-formed parts :
Good day,
Please send me a quote for [specifications of the request, which included hand brushes and cutting and grinding wheels]. Thank you.
Best regards
tool shop technologist
Inquiry no.. 2 – from a company focused on custom metal fabrication (the request was generated by our business development specialist) :
I spoke with the managing director [name, contact]. We are supposed to send a quote. They need to try it too. We should choose 3–4 types that we have of the highest quality (they consume about 500,000 CZK/year). A technician can call and make arrangements.