Client story: 14 requests for energy-saving lighting
What can cooperation with Intedat bring you? Get a more concrete idea thanks to the stories of our clients.
Our client: A major Czech producer and supplier of heat and electricity, member of an international concern
Client’s goal: To address leading Czech industrial companies and offer them solutions in the field of energy-saving lighting
Solution and implementation date: Intedat Business , year 2022
Who we approached: 300 large industrial companies in the Czech Republic
- 14 of the companies contacted immediately expressed interest in cooperation
- 6 other companies have potential for future cooperation
Demand samples
To illustrate, we present two of the requests that the client received thanks to our solution. (In order to preserve the anonymity of the client and the relevant companies, some parts are omitted, otherwise the text is authentic.)
Request no. 1 – from the Czech representative office of one of the most important forwarding companies:
Good day,
We are preparing to replace the existing lighting with new LED lighting. It concerns two warehouses. If you would be interested in preparing an offer, please let me know. I would then send you the documentation for the hall and we could meet on site.
Best regards
[jméno], logistics manager, [kontakt]
Request no. 2 – from a company operating in the field of hydropower and mechanical engineering (the request was generated by our business development specialist):
I spoke to Mr.[vedoucí odboru energetiky] . He is very interested in contacting them. They have already solved some of it, but they still need the rest.