Client story: 400 companies, 4 inquiries, 127 leads
What can cooperation with Intedat bring you? Get a more concrete idea thanks to the stories of our clients.
Our client: Czech supplier of electronic and electromechanical components
Client’s goal: To approach industrial companies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and present them with the offered range
Solution and implementation date: Intedat Business , spring 2023
Who we approached: 400 Czech and Slovak industrial companies that met the set parameters
- 4 of the companies contacted immediately expressed interest in cooperation
- 127 other companies have potential for future cooperation
Demand samples
To illustrate, we present two of the requests that the client received thanks to our solution. (In order to preserve the anonymity of the client and the relevant companies, some parts are omitted, otherwise the text is authentic.)
Request no. 1 – from the Czech representative office of a major manufacturer of assembly machines:
Good day,
I am interested in collaborating. We will discuss more during the online meeting next week. Thank you.
[jméno], production manager
[company name, contact]
Request no. 2 – from a Czech manufacturer of machines for processing plastics and rubber (the request was generated by our business development specialist):
I spoke to Mr.[vedoucí konstrukce] , is interested in contacting and presenting the offered products in detail. Please call tomorrow regarding the appointment date.