Client Story: German Distributors for a Korean Company
What can cooperation with Intedat bring you? Get a more concrete idea thanks to the stories of our clients.
Our client: A major Korean manufacturer of robots, bearings, gearboxes and other components for the automotive industry
Client’s goal: To reach German distributors in the field of industrial robotics and automation
Solution and implementation date: Intedat Business , spring 2024
Who we approached: 400 Czech and Slovak industrial companies that matched the set parameters70 German distribution and engineering companies that matched the client’s requirements
Result: 3 of the companies contacted immediately expressed interest in cooperation
Demand samples
To illustrate, we present two of the requests that the client received thanks to our solution. (In order to preserve the anonymity of the client and the relevant companies, some parts are omitted, otherwise the text is authentic.)
Request no. 1 – from a company specializing in the production and repair of gearboxes and electric motors:
Dear Sir[jméno zástupce našeho klienta] , thank you for contacting us.
We would be happy to discuss the possibilities of long-term cooperation with you during an online meeting. It would be helpful if you could provide us with more information in advance about the role of your future German partner and your expectations. This will help us to better prepare for the interview.
Best regards
[jméno], business and management
Request no. 2 – from the digital platform for the supply of spare parts:
Good day,
Thank you for your message and for your interest in working with us. In our company, I am responsible for managing relationships with external partners.
I’m proposing to hold an online meeting via Microsoft Teams next week. Are any of the following dates convenient for you? Thank you.
Best regards
management of relationships with external partners | authorized representative