Client story: New opportunities for a Czech engineer
We found new business opportunities on the Czech market for an engineering company specializing in the production of precision parts and assemblies.
Our client: Reliable Czech supplier of components for a number of industries
Client’s goal: To acquire new customers among Czech engineering companies
Solution and implementation date : Intedat Business , summer and autumn 2024
Who we approached: 100 engineering companies from the Czech Republic
- 5 of the companies contacted immediately expressed interest in cooperation
- 52 other companies have potential for future cooperation
Demand samples
We present two of the requests that the client received thanks to our solution. (In order to preserve the anonymity of the client and the relevant companies, some parts are omitted, otherwise the text is authentic.)
Inquiry no.. 1 – from the Czech manufacturer of top-quality woodworking machines :
Hello, sir. [jméno ředitele]
Thank you for the offer of cooperation, this cooperation would be possible. I have a request from our production for a cooperation assignment. It mainly concerns turning work /shaft production/, but there are also parts for milling. More in person or by phone. Thank you.
Best regards
Inquiry no.. 2 – from a traditional engineering company specializing in flanges (the request was generated by our business development specialist) :
I spoke to the managing director. He received the email, he is already in contact with the [director] and is discussing cooperation.